Saturday, March 8, 2014

Not a red letter day for blogging!

Today is one of those days, where if I had not made a good friend on the website, I would give up on online dating. I have a friend that I love to talk to on the dating site and that (as I've said) should be treasured. Otherwise, it has been pretty much flat today. Despite my continued plea to hear only from men in New York, today's views or flirts or whatever were from Arizona, California, Maine, Colorado, Florida, and Texas. Awesome. Also, although my friend Sarah finds it charming, I cannot chat with a man who puts the lyrics to "I feel pretty" all throughout his profile,  changing them to fit a man. Nor do I really find it appealing when every single picture of a man in his profile is in a muscle T-shirt. And, lastly, I had one of those repeat and then disappear message-senders, oh and a man who sent me one message, I sent a message back thinking I was being witty, and he blocked me ! Could I have been that offensive? Did he not understand my New York sarcasm? Was he offended that I am a Christian (which was relevant to my joke)?

Cannot lose sleep over it, off to take a walk with the dogs as it is finally not in the single digits anymore. have a great night and good luck to you !!

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